
As my second to last term at the University of Oregon quickly comes to a close, I find myself becoming less and less motivated to spend long hours on my schoolwork.

A few sunny days have budded daffodils that line the pavements, and campus is waking up from a long winter nap. The onset of spring and my dwindling motivation can only mean one thing:  I have senioritis.

The main symptoms of senioritis include chronic procrastination, lack of motivation, a drop in academic performance, and “coasting,” which is the act of going through classes with very little concentration or application of intent. This usually happens in the last year of high school, college or graduate school. One of the most notable symptoms of senioritis, is that all attempts by educators to curb senioritis tend to actually increase senioritic symptoms.   –Wikipedia

I have suffered from senioritis before; it is not foreign to me.  Although it has been nine long years since I graduated from high school, I can still remember how it feels to be a senior.  It is a bittersweet feeling.  There is a lot of excitement to be had about ending one chapter and starting anew.  It is very exhilarating; however, it is making these last few weeks of academia a huge challenge.

Although my college experience has put me into the category of “non-traditional,” I still have been infected with senioritis. Does anyone know a cure?

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